Hi Royal Daughters! I am so excited to share with you today the start of a new series entitled Women Who Lead Bible Series. I feel the Lord has placed this upon my heart to share with you. God has all called us to lead in some capacity, and with that being said we can learn together strategies that will help us advance in the Kingdom of God as a godly woman. I believe the Bible is full of applicable knowledge that God wants us to know to be able to fight the good fight of faith. The level of warfare has intensified for the body of Christ. The devil knows that his time is short so he is trying to turn you back at any cost. Sis, you may have been wondering why you have been under attack so much. It is a constant battle, and it seems like after you come out of one trial here comes another one. Our Father is calling us to a higher standard of living in this hour to be battle ready! Today, we are going to look at the characteristics of a godly woman from the Bible who was a warrior for the Lord by the name of Deborah. In the midst of disobedience and unfaithfulness in the land of Israel, God had raised up judges that would deliver them out of the hand of their enemies. I truly believe God is using women who hearts are for the Father in this hour to please Him no matter the cost. Women who are not afraid to get their hands dirty in battle. Women that are completely sold out to do the will of the Father. Women who lead by example. Let’s take a closer look at Deborah’s role in the Kingdom of God. Deborah was the leader of Israel, a prophetess, a judge, and the wife of Lapidoth. She lived during the time of the Canaanite oppression. God used her mightily to deliver Israel God’s people.
“And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.”-Judges 4:5 KJV
Be a Woman of Influence
Deborah earned respect of both men and women, although there were only a few women in her day that rose to leadership positions. People from all over Israel came to her to settle their disputes. They built their level of trust in her. Sis, you are a lighthouse for others that they may come to you for wise counsel. God has put His marvelous light in you. It is our job to stir people in the right direction by leading them to the Word of God. It is good to ask God for wisdom and knowledge to know how to lead His people in the right direction. Deborah was a God chaser in her day. She raised the standard of living in Israel for the common people and returned the nation to peace.
“And she sent and called Barak the Son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, “Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded saying, “Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and the children of Zebulun?”-Judges 4:6 KJV
Be Spirit led
Talk about courage from the woman of God to summon Barak and command him to fight. Deborah held on to her convictions and obeyed the Holy Ghost. She only spoke what God had given her to speak. She did not run away from her battles, but had total victory over her enemies. The awesome thing I love about the Lord is that He has no respecter of persons. He can raise up whomever He wills and use them mightily to accomplish His will on the earth. Sisters, let us only say what God is giving us to say. No more and no less. We see the potential in others, and it is our responsibility to give others what they need not what they want to hear. Obey the Holy Ghost!
“And she said, “I will surely go with thee: not withstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.”-Judges 4:9 KJV
Be Battle Ready
Barak had doubted that he could do all that Deborah had told him, but she did not waver and took God at His Word and willing went with Barak to battle. Sis, God is looking for willing vessels that will stand for Him and fight back against the enemy. As Deborah was ready to fight in battle we too have to be ready to fight in battle. She was not so caught up in her outer appearance that she could not fight in battle. You may be wondering, “How do I fight?” You must fight through prayer and the Word of God. Those are our spiritual weapons of warfare. Our weapons are not carnal but they are mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds and casting down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We must have on the whole armor of God on daily to block the fiery darts that the enemy throws at us. This means war! It is time to arise up in power and fight. This victory is for the honor and glory of God. It is not about us. What can we sacrifice to give God more and to bring glory to His name?
Give God Praise for the Victory
God did everything that was stated that Deborah had told Barak. How the Lord had sold Sisera into the hand of a woman. She ended with praises unto God in a song. The battle is not yours the victory belongs to the Lord. She sung of the victory over the enemy. It was not about her. Deborah made sure that her and Barak gave praises unto God. It means so much to God to have His children give Him praise for the victory! It is so important that we worship God for the victory over all of our trials. Worship and admiration to the Father draws all of our attention on Him who will help us in the battle. He wants you to win that is why He sent His Son. He is only looking for a willing vessel that He can use. Will it be you?
God desires willing vessels that He can use in this hour that will stand and keep fighting even when times are tough. He is calling you woman of God to go deeper, further, and higher than you have ever been in Him. He is drawing the hearts of His people back to Him. I pray you were encouraged by today’s post to continue to fight the good fight of faith. I have designed this PDF Inspirational Quote Printable just for you! Please share with a friend who needs this encouragement to continue to walk worthy of the calling that has been placed on their life.
Love & Blessings,
All photos and artwork is ©Royal Daughters. Artwork in the downloadable PDF is strictly for personal use, not for commercial use. Sharing these photos on any social media site is welcome as long as you credit and link back to royaldaughters.co.
Very inspiring because it is teaching us how to arm ourselves as women to fight for the kingdom of God
Yes, we must be ready to battle daily! He provides the armor but its up to us to put it on daily!