Welcome: Calling All Royal Daughters!


Hi Royal Daughters!!! I am so excited that you are reading this post. God has so much to share with you through His precious Word. He has given me this vision to help and inspire women and young girls to discover their glorious beauty within His Word. He delights in knowing you on a personal level. He has transformed my life through His Word, so that is why I cannot keep silent about the things He has done for me. I hope to provide you with encouraging and uplifting weekly devotionals that will inspire you to live a life well-pleasing unto the Lord in such a dark world. He loves you so much royal daughter! Stay encourage to live for Him no matter what the cost because in the end you will receive that incorruptible crown that no one can take away. Jesus said in Revelation 3:11 “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” We must not let anyone or anything distract us from an eternity spent with our Father. Hold fast to His words and live accordingly so you can forever be with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I would love to connect with you. Please leave a comment below so we can chat about our Father. May He bless you richly in His love!

Love & Blessings,


  1. Andrella says:

    I enjoyed your article

  2. LaQuanda Williams-McGinnis says:

    My beautiful young sister. I’m so proud of you! Thank you for informing me of Your Blog! I’m super excited knowing you can uplift through your website. I pray you have many more blessings coming your way for doing Gods work. Love you my beautiful sister!

    • cbrittney1003 says:

      Awww! Sister, you are such a blessing to me!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! God bless you, sister!!

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