“Behold, I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thou crown.” –Revelation 3:11
In our society, there is so much wickedness in the earth. We see so much violence and darkness all around. Some people would rather live according to their own standards but for the people of God we must continue to live according to God’s standards, if we want to go back with God when He comes. Believe it or not, Jesus is soon to come because of the vast darkness in the earth and He warns us in Matthew 24 the signs of His coming. The Word of the Lord is fulfilling every day.
Everything that He has said must come to pass. He is calling us out of darkness and into His marvelous light if only we would take heed to His still small voice. Our only hope is in Him. He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. It is not the time to draw back into sin, but come out and stay out because we do not know the day or the hour He shall appear. Do not let Him catch you with your work undone.
Keep standing for holiness so no man can take your crown. After death is the judgment, whether you did good or evil you must give an account to God. You must be determined to make Heaven your home because this earth is not our home. We must spend eternity somewhere and there are only two choices: Heaven or Hell. Strive to enter into Heaven because Hell is real. It is too hot and everlasting is too long. It is only one way in and no way out. Hold fast to holiness. Hold fast to righteousness. Hold fast to the Word of God so that no man takes your crown, sisters! I hope you enjoy this Bible Verse Wallpaper. Please share with a friend who needs this encouragement to continue to live holy. How are you holding fast to the Lord in this season?
All photos and artwork is ©Royal Daughters. Artwork in the downloadable PDF is strictly for personal use, not for commercial use. Sharing these photos on any social media site is welcome as long as you credit and link back to royaldaughters.co or @royaldaughters.
I love this so much!!!
Kim, that means so much! Thank you!
Keep it going!

Thank you so much sister!