4 Tips On How To Surrender Your Calling

1)      Obey God Even When It Doesn’t Make Sense

I can remember riding down the road having a conversation with my mom and meditating on the character of God. I was telling my mom about how often we are looking for our journey to make sense but let me tell you sis. Some of the things God will tell you will not make sense all the time but you will understand it better by and by, and if we understood everything then why would we really need God? Think about it.  I heard the Spirit of God say, “Stop trying to make sense of what I am calling you to do and just obey Me.” That was the key right there. Just obey God! I know you maybe like me and overanalyze everything that the Lord may be speaking to your heart to do. I I was like, “I hear You, Lord!” Is my first response obedience? Hmmm…thinking. I can relate to you sis if you must contemplate about did you hear Him correctly saying, “Lord, did I hear You correctly?” That is me too many times often then I would like to admit! I can relate a lot to Moses at times. When the Lord was dealing with me on my assignment and calling I had a lot of excuses as to why I could not…but God! I had to get over that fear of the unknown even when it did not make sense. God will give you the revelation later just obey the last thing He told you to do, sis.

2) Obey God The First Time

Sis, have you ever had that feeling like I really should have obeyed God the first time? Now, this tip will save you a whole lot of heartache and headache. Obey God the first time. There is nothing more peaceful than when you obey the voice of God. He delights in our obedience, and honestly, I do too because when I obey His voice nothing, but His joy and peace floods my soul. You want to know how you can hear His voice and obey swiftly? Hebrews 3:15 says, “While it is said, “Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” As soon as the Lord, speaks to your heart obey Him. I have been doing this more and more, and it just makes the difference that I know my place and obey quickly. God sees so much more than we do He sees the greater picture of how this moment of obedience to His voice will bring great fulfillment in your life, because you did not harden your heart against His will for your life. Guard your heart today from being harden to the Will of God.

3) Surrender to the Call

The greatest secret that a lot of people do not talk about to fulfill the call that God has on your life is to surrender. Yes, God gave you the vision sis. Yes, He spoke to you in that dream. Yes, you can do great things through Christ, but have you surrendered that God idea back to Him lately? Have you acknowledged Him in which path to go about doing it? Or did you just go for it without asking the Lord was it okay? A good prayer to pray, “Lord, let my desires decrease not my will but Your Will be done. I give You full access to my heart because what You have planned for me is far greater than I could ever think or imagine.” I have found that when I surrender to God it unlocks His blessings. Disobedience hinders your growth to the point that some wonder why they feel stuck or unfulfilled. Live a life of surrender and you will see the manifestations of God in so many ways you could’ve never imagined possible.

4) Respond to the Call

God wants to see how you will respond to the call. He desires for us to respond in obedience. In His Word He said in Isaiah 1:19-20, “ If you be willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land, but if you refuse and rebel you will be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” Willingness and obedience goes together. I say this often, “Obedience is our love language to God.” We show Him that we love Him by our obedience. Jesus was the perfect example of this He was obedient even unto death. God likewise desires for His children to be obedient. Whatever the Lord has been tugging on your heart to do. Do it sis! You never know how your step of obedience is going to bless someone else. Ignoring it will not make it go away. Obey God swiftly! Respond in a life yielded in obedience to the Father!

Sis, what lessons have you learned in obeying the call of the Father?

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