Hey sis, have you ever come across a gorgeous crown that was so beautiful you had to take a second glance? There are some gorgeous crowns manufactured in this world, but nothing can take the place of the eternal crowns that are reserved for every believer who overcomes this life. Recently, I have been so intrigued with crowns, so I decided to dig a little deeper into scripture to see what the Bible had to say about them. It is evident that all that live godly shall suffer persecution, but we have hope knowing that we will receive the greater reward in the end eternal life. The crown is at the end. Today, I would hope that you would find encouragement in scripture about the five Christian crowns and to keep running this race with patience.
- The Crown of Righteousness
“Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.”-2 Timothy 4:8 KJV
Sis, you know how you go to a wedding and they have a table reserved for the wedding party. It is secluded just for the wedding party and no one else can sit there. Well, in the Kingdom their is a crown reserved for the righteous. Those who fought the good fight of faith. There is a crown of righteousness reserved in Heaven just for you because you are a part of God’s royal family. Your crown is reserved in Heaven. It just brings tears to my eyes at how loving the Lord is to give His daughters and sons a crown for their righteousness. It pays to do the right thing! Your labor is not in vain in the Lord if you continue to hold on and endure to the end. Your sacrifice that nobody knew about God is making mention of it right now. He has record of your faithfulness, sis and it is being imputed to you for righteousness sake.
2. The Crown of Glory
“And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away.” – 1 Peter 5:4
When the Chief Shepherd (Jesus) shall appear to come back for His bride (the church) He is coming with a gift for every believer. We shall receive a crown of glory that will never fade away. You do not have to worry about this crown tarnishing or changing colors. This crown will never get old. An eternal crown of glory for those who continue in His love at His appearing shall receive the crown of glory. In a moment in a twinkling of an eye we shall be changed into His glorious image. It just excites my soul to know that when Jesus returns I will be like He is. For this light affliction is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory! What we go through is light compared to what Christ had to encounter, and His presence overshadows the affliction. Everything is working for our good!
3. The Incorruptible Crown
“And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.” -1 Corinthians 9:25
One thing that I have learned about God is that He cares about EVERY area of our lives. He delights in being invited and involved in every area of our lives. Holiness is a discipline lifestyle because we are not our own. We have been purchased by His blood. Paul talks about how athletes train to be disciplined and self-controlled to win the race. Only one can win the race for that prize but God in God’s Kingdom we fight to win and everyone who remains will receive that incorruptible crown. Our focus should be on that eternal crown!
4. Crown of Rejoicing
“For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? –
The amazing love of God that draws us in that He delights in His daughters so much that we are His crown jewel. He rejoices over His own. It is you that He desires sis! He is our hope and joy! The excitement of Father and daughter uniting as one! In His presence there is complete joy. We are His prized possession, His glory, and absolute joy! The Spirit of the living God dwells on the inside of us! Endeavor to let no one take your crown, sis!
5. Crown of Life
“Blessed is the woman that endure temptation: for when she is tried, she shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him.” -James 1:12
Sis, I was thinking the other day about how I thank God for the trials and tribulations I have faced because in the suffering that is when I learn God’s character the most. It is not when everything is going well but in the hard times when my faith is tested, and I am tried on every side. His love remains the same. He is all His Word says and more. Queen, if you suffer with Him you are going to reign with Him and receive the crown of life that He promised to those who love Him with their lives.
Thank you! This just blessed my day 💜
Praise God! I am so happy it was timely for you sis! Keep on Queenin!
Crown of life for those who endure with Jesus. I love it. That is such a beautiful reminder today.
Thank you so much for reading sis! So happy it was timely for you!
Thanks, love it
Sonja, thank you so much for reading! God bless you!
I needed this so much. My life was in a complete shambles until this her moment when I decided to let go..
Wow! I am so happy this post found you at just the right time! Praise God!! He loves you sister!!
Will we lay our crowns at Gods feet?
You will receive a crown those who keep God’s ways and Word.