Hey sis! I do not know about you sister but spending time with the Lord is so crucial for me. It is so important that when the stressful pace of your day leaves you feeling overwhelmed and short-tempered, it is time to prioritize a time of rejuvenation and relaxation. You can accomplish so much more after a period of rejuvenation. So, you may be asking, “What are some ways I can just rejuvenation in the presence of the Lord after a long day?” Today, I wanted to share with you some creative ways to spend time with the Lord.
“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19 (KJV)
- Be Spirit Led
I have learned that God really desires to spend time with us even in those every day mundane tasks. He likes to be invited as well. He will not force Himself. Sis, you have to be intentional about spending time with the Lord. It is not just on Sundays, He wants every other day of the week as well. It is truly so sweet to walk with Jesus every day. Ask Holy Spirit in which direction should you go in spending time with Him. Prayer works every time. He will definitely answer heartfelt prayers that are sincere.
“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 (KJV)
2. Worship Date Nights
Back when I was in college of my junior year at Jacksonville State University, I would spend a lot of time with the Lord. I was just hungry for more of His presence. I spent most of my time in my apartment room, so I had to come up with more intimate ways to spend time with the Lord. I would love having worship date nights with my Father. Sis, dress up in your favorite dress and put on your favorite worship music and dance with the Father. I am so not a dancer but it is just fun basking in the presence of God. I am getting teary eyed as I type because those moments were so special to me. It is best to find artist that are all about seeking the presence of God like Kari Jobe, Steffany Gretzinger, and Kim Walker-Smith just to name a few of my favorites.
3. Saturate Yourself in the Word
Post scripture everywhere. Post it all around your room. Write it all in your journal. The more you write the more you will remember it. Writing helps your brain process information better; it is even proven to help you remember more. A new favorite of mine is Bible Journaling, well I am just now learning the proper term for it. Bible journaling is lettering, painting, and doodling in your Bible. It can be simple or elaborate. It’s a creative way to meditate on scripture and saturate your mind with truth. You can also now get Bible Coloring books that have scriptures in them. Coloring is very therapeutic. It helps soothes the mind.
4. Praise and Worship Workouts
Praise and Worship Workouts are so awesome to transform you body, mind, and soul. These uplifting gospel music hits can be found on YouTube. Instead of working out to music that does not glorify God, you can transform your mind and body to Praise and Worship Workouts. It will give you that extra push to start working out. It is totally fine if you are at a beginner level or advanced level just as long as you are taking the time to glorify God in your workout time. You could also walk in the park to just get some fresh air and admire God’s creation.
I hope these ideas were beneficial to you. Please share some of your creative ways you spend time with the Lord?
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