It has been every little girl’s dream at some point when they were little to be a little princess. In our society today, many look to fictional princess characters to be their role model, but what if I told you that God created you to be His royal daughter in the earth. He owns the whole universe and He still wants you, sister. Yes you! Now, that is true love! That is why He sent His only beloved Son to redeem us back into right fellowship with Him. This fellowship with the Father is so sweet. He loves you. He desires a genuine relationship with you.
I remember my story of how I came to the Lord. I was heartbroken. I was tired of giving my heart to a guy and still coming up empty and void on the inside. One day, I was reading my Bible and I had no particular scripture in mind to read but Psalms 34:18 just jumped right out at me. It reads, “The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” It was like His Word illuminated off of the page just for me. I knew right then that I needed His salvation to be saved and set free from my sin.
So, I repented of putting that guy before Him and asked if He could write my love story, and that day I made a decision to follow after God wholeheartedly. I would spend time with Him in His Word daily wanting to know what He wanted out of my life. God speaks. He will speak to your heart. He showed me areas of my heart that needed to be changed. He longs for broken relationships to be restored with Him. We can only run so far but His always ready and willing to save us at the point of our need.
Sis, I know the feeling of wanting to be adored, cherished, and loved by someone special but the ONLY fulfillment is that we accept the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will fill up every empty space in your life but first you must surrender. Since that day, I have never been the same since Jesus has changed my life completely and He is daily transforming me into the image of His Son. If you have not received the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as your personal Savior the time is now. He wants to acquaint Himself with you, so simply invite Him in.
In order to receive the fullness of God, you must repent. Repentance brings about a change in your lifestyle. In order to be adopted into His royal family, you must repent and receive His way of thinking. The only way you can receive His way of thinking is by being obedient to His Word. No longer will your opinions matter because you want to please God now. True repentance brings on a true change. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Once you come in contact with the real power of God, you will not talk the same, walk the same, dress the same, live the same, and everything about you will become new. Now, you will walk in the newness of life in Christ Jesus.
You have to be in Him, it is not enough to be around Him. Once, you taste and see that He is good for yourself; you will never want to go back into a world of sin. Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that He died just for you. Believe that His Word is true. Nobody can believe Him for you, sister. You have to make up in your mind that I am going to live for Jesus. Be determined to do His Will. If nobody has ever told you, you must be born again to go back with the Father. You must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is power over sin. It is the power of God unto salvation.
God is calling for true holiness in the hour, and not a form of godliness. The Holy Ghost is the best gift you could ever receive in this life. He will teach you all things that pertain to life and godliness. God wants you complete and whole in Him. Not fashioning after the world and any former lusts. He will exceed your expectations. I have included below a FREE Bible Verse Wallpaper so that you can personally use for your home or whatever purpose you have for it. I pray it will be a blessing to you, royal daughter! How did you come to know the Lord in a saving way?
Just checking in.. Love you sis! Keep doing Gods work!!
Thank you sister for your encouragement!! I sure will continue to do the work of the Lord!! Love you too sister!!
Wow….God is close to the heartbroken, I am undergoing a season of heartbreak, its so hurting that I had gave all my love for the man I thought we could spend years ever after,I feel as if I wonder why people fall in love again but I thank God that he has sent people like you to motivate me.,the word of God as well as prayer and fasting. I believe that I’ll heal and become the girl I was,for sure God is the closest friend to the heartbroken
Faith, please know I am praying for you as I know this is not an easy season. Whew as I type I think about how God had to do some inward work in me. He loves you so much. Let Him completely heal the broken pieces of your heart. I am a witness He can! Continue to pour your heart out to Him and continue to seek Him. He is with you!